Central Hall

Central Hall Manchester

Church of Sanctuary

Some amazing news for everyone at Central Hall MCR

After receiving what we can only describe as a glowing appraisal, we are pleased to be able to announce that we have been recognised as a 'Church of Sanctuary' as part of the Manchester City of Sanctuary and City of Sanctuary UK networks.

Founded in 2005 by Inderjit Bhogal and Craig Barnett, the City of Sanctuary network is made up of thousands of ordinary people all around the country who are stepping up to support people seeking sanctuary in our communities. City of Sanctuary UK coordinates, supports and grows these networks of welcome. 

From community groups to schools and universities, local councils to libraries and theatres, we work with individuals, groups and organisations in every area and in every sector to encourage inclusivity, solidarity and compassion for people from a forced displacement background.

The opening statement from the appraisal reads...
'Methodist Central Hall is a welcoming place for people seeking sanctuary... The hall takes a befriending, personable approach to welcome, recognising people seeking sanctuary as individuals. We were struck by the pastoral projects on offer and vision for the future to build upon this beyond the church and bring the wider community along the journey of welcome.'

Deacon Jenny Jones has been working hard in coordinating this application, and we would like to thank everyone at Central Hall MCR for their parts in making sure that we are a place that welcomes all.

Could you become a Place of Sanctuary?

Find information on the City of Sanctuary website:


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